Aug 19, 2023Liked by Liv Agar

Liked this approach. Adorns really is a good lens to peep through for a movie like this. My first inclination was to think qua some Deleuzian mishmash ("But Mattel knows nothing about feminism. Or assholes, for that matter,") but I'm glad I read your take.

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Liv Agar

But ... maybe a Deleuze style take would be the best way to read the negative partisanship that juices Ben Shapiro's strange attempts at Barbie criticism. A desiring-machine that has had its desire enucleated. Clenched-jaw pursed-frown masculinity being the body without organs, and Shapiro being always/already caught up in the movement and semicoherent intensities of the body. A becoming-nazi, if you will.

Sorry, I'm too full of caffeine.

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No I love it and don't worry you can never be too full of caffeine

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