This episode is an overview of the first chapter of Karl Marx's Capital Volume 1. This is mean both as something to listen to before reading it yourself, or for those who simply want a short summary of it in audio form. The premium goes more in depth in Commodity Fetishism as well as the four developments of the value form
00:00 – Intro
2:30 – Use Value and Exchange Value
5:59 – Labour and Value
14:35 – Marx’s Law of Value and Supply and Demand
16:45 – The Division of Labour and the Commodity
20:03 – The Coat and the 20 Yards of Linen
20:50 – Commodity Fetishism
29:48 – The abolition of Labour
32:29 – Outro
Reading guides/secondary literature/sourced material:
Sweezy, The Theory of Capitalist Development
Stephen Shapiro, Marx's Capital
Arthur L Thomas, The Allocation Problem in Financial Accounting Theory
All of my links at:
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